Thursday, May 26, 2011

One Year Checkup

Yesterday Caroline went for her one year checkup. I can remember so clearly taking her to the pediatrician for the first time when she was only 5 days old... Caroline did a great job! She got 3 shots and while she did cry, it wasn't for very long. They pricked her finger since last time we were there (last month when she had a virus) she was a little anemic and she did well with that too. She weighed 19 lb. 12 oz. (25th percentile), was 29.5 inches long (75th percentile), and her head was 17.5 inches around (50th percentile). She's been growing at about the same rate since she was born, so everything looked great as far as that went! She's meeting all her developmental milestones including:
pointing (she's trying to get it!)
saying basic words (mama, dada, bye-bye)
blowing kisses (she doesn't have it all the way yet but she's close)

Her clogged tear duct that she's had since she was 5 days old is still clogged. She gets a "goopy" looking eye every now and then. The doctor told us that they don't do anything until a year since it usually clears up on its own by then. Caroline's hasn't cleared up yet so we are going to see a pediatric opthamalogist in a few weeks. She will possibly have to have it opened surgically (very minor procedure). Adam had to have the same thing done when he was a year old as well. Although it's less than ideal, we are looking forward to having it gone for good!!

Other than that, everything was perfect. She's a happy and healthy, long and lean little girl!

Trying to leave when they brought in the shots!!!

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