Monday, May 2, 2011

Eleven Months Old!!!

Eleven Months Old - April 23, 2011

Last weekend my baby turned 11 months old. This is the last monthly birthday before she's one. This is the last month of her infancy. I am still in shock at how fast this year has gone by. Caroline has been sick twice in the past month, both times with viral infections which were miserable. Her fever got up to 105 at one point. Thankfully she's feeling better now! Her personality emerges more and more each day. She loves waving at people, clapping, patting things, hugging things (especially Daisy and Daddy), opening cabinets, pulling things out of cabinets and drawers, and "dancing". She's full of energy and we often have a hard time wearing her out before bed. She's happy most of the time so we don't have much to complain about. She's friendly and easy going and just a joy to be around. I know I'm making her sound like a perfect baby, and she is perfect in my eyes but we are certainly not without our struggles. She still fights going to bed. It's getting better but we've got a long way to go. We'll get on a good schedule and then she'll get sick or we'll go out of town and that throws everything off for a while. She's started throwing fits when we take something away from her that she wants. She'll start screaming and crying. We're trying to let her cry it out so she'll understand that she can't have everything she wants. She's still a wonderful eater and we couldn't be happier! Some new favorites include chicken nuggets (well...technically they're not chicken, it's Morning Star Farms veggie chicken nuggets), blackberries, macaroni and cheese, and goldfish. She's also drinking whole milk now. She still gets formula but we are working on the switch. She loves it! She's wearing mainly 12 month sized clothes and she's in a size 3 diaper. She loves to be outside. I cannot wait to play with her this summer! She loves music. She'll dance to music and if nothing is on, she'll sing!! She's quite an amazing little girl and we love her so much.

Happy 11 months sweet Caroline! I cannot believe how fast your infancy went. I have enjoyed every single second with you and I am so happy to celebrate your first birthday with you. You are so incredibly loved and we are so lucky to have you in our family!!!

I think she was fed up of taking pictures...

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