Monday, May 2, 2011

Can you say flower??

If you are a parent of a young child, you probably can relate to this. I spend most of my day giving a play by play of my actions. Every object that Caroline looks at must be named. "Let's open the drawer. Let's grab a spoon. Can you say spoon? Spoon? Do you want your blocks? Block? Block? What color is the block? Can you say red? Okay, you can have the green one too. Can you say please?" I have read countless times that you should tell your baby what you are doing so that they learn to associate objects and actions with words. Makes sense, right? That still doesn't make up for the fact that I have become a full time narrarator. I get so tired of my own voice some days...

, Adam and I have been busy working in our yard. We started in the front, moved to one side, and then worked on the other side and the back. We are far from finished but it's already looking much better than before! I love being outside and so does Caroline so we decided that we're going to really put some time into our yard this year. We had hoped to do this last year, but that didn't really work out. (I had contractions since late March last year so I was out of commission for a while.) Here's a preview of what we've been doing:

We still have hostas, more begonias, marigolds, hydrangeas, azaleas, and a dahlia to plant. We are also going to start working on a vegetable and herb garden. We're getting new ferns for the front door and a window box for the kitchen window. Lots of work but we're excited about how beautiful it will look! I've gone outside to look at the new flowers about a million times in the past couple of weeks and I hear myself saying to Caroline "Can you say flower?" over and over. I have a feeling I will be saying that a lot this summer...

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