Monday, May 2, 2011

Puppy Party!

Yesterday we took Caroline and Daisy to a puppy party. We had a blast!! It was a dream come true for Caroline - she was surrounded by dogs and got to spend a lot of time outside. She even dressed up for the occassion.

This is the best picture I could get of her sweet little dress. That girl knows how to move for sure!!

There were dogs everywhere. I thought Daisy would be too nervous to go and play in the yard but as soon as I took her off the leash off she went!

They even served a cake for the doggies! Here we are singing to the birthday pups, Riley and Mac (the two black labs).

Of course my piggy dog went nuts over the cake. She actually crawled under another dog to get another plate!

Caroline had so much fun seeing other dogs. I just know she's going to be an animal lover like her mama!

Thanks Jeris and Jordan for having us over!! Happy Birthday puppies!


On Broadway said...

Oh my goodness! That looks like so much fun. Lucy would never cooperate at a puppy party!

Adam and Emily said...

I didn't think Daisy would either, but she did great! In fact - there was not one single dog fight the whole time between any of them.

Jeris said...

Glad you guys came! I was surprised we didnt have any doggy fights either, they were really well behaved!