Monday, May 23, 2011

Twelve Months Old!!!

Twelve Months Old - May 23, 2011

Yesterday my baby turned twelve months old...excuse me, one year old!! And I guess I should say toddler rather than baby! We had her birthday party on Sunday (post coming soon) and we had a special dinner last night to celebrate just the three of us. Caroline has been busy growing and learning!! She waves, claps, says "bye bye" sometimes, walks (most of the time, she still crawls when she wants to go fast), dances to music and feeds herself. She's starting to copy us - if we say something several times she'll try to say it or if we pat our head she'll try to do that too. She'll aim the remote at the TV and gets excited when she changes the channel. You can see lightbulb go off sometimes when she figures something out. She would rather be outside than anywhere else and she'll throw a little fit when we have to come inside. She's wearing size 12/12-18 month clothes and is still in a size 3 diaper, although we may be moving up a size in that soon! She's using mostly sippy cups, but will still have a bottle now and then. She's having whole milk most of the time, but I'm still giving her some toddler formula (when we're out so I don't have to carry milk around to get hot). We don't have her doctors appointment until Wednesday so we'll know her stats then.

Happy 12 months Caroline! I hope you had a wonderful year - I know I sure did. You are the sweetest, cutest, smartest little girl that I have ever known and I am so glad that you are mine. Love, Mommy

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