Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Sweet Caroline had to go back to the pediatrician...AGAIN!! She's had a rash on her face, scalp, neck, back and chest for the past few days. We called the on call nurse last night and she told us to come to the office today. Turns out it's no big deal - seborrheic dermatitis (same condition as cradle cap). It looks worse than it actually is. We got a prescription for some cream to put on it and that should clear it right up.

Not too much else has been going on the past few days. Caroline and I went to the Mama and Me group yesterday and we had a really good time. It was nice to get out of the house and see other adults! I'm finally starting to feel more like myself again. My body is just about back to normal, the horrible headaches have mostly gone away and all the crazy hormones that have made me cry ALL THE TIME are starting to level out (I know Adam must be happy!!). It has certainly made the days easier. I was able to get some stuff done around the house, run errands, visit with friends, cook dinner, take care of Baby C AND take a nap! I was pretty impressed with myself. Staying at home with her truly is harder than any other job I've ever done. Here's some cute pictures of my girls to leave you with.

My first baby :)

Can you believe how much lighter her hair has gotten since birth??

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Glad you went on to the dr- nothing like reassurance.