Friday, June 11, 2010

We made it!!

Well, we made it until Friday! I think that Caroline and I did a good job - only a few hiccups along the way. To celebrate our almost full week together, we decided to venture out of the house. First we went to visit my office so I could show her off. It was so fun to see everyone!! Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with Caroline - but it's nice to talk to adults too. After that we had lunch with Adam and then we ran a quick errand. By the time we were done, we were both ready to get home and take a nap...although I'm sitting here blogging instead. Caroline was such a good girl today!! She ate before we left the house and then slept until lunch time and then quietly sat in her carseat and just looked around at all the people. Once we got home, all she needed was a bottle and a new diaper and then she went right to sleep. She is one of the most calm babies I have ever encoutered (although who knows how long this will last).

If you're wondering why there haven't been too many pictures, it's because I misplaced my camera battery charger and then the battery died. I am going to get a new one this weekend hopefully. I know that no one really cares about these little stories and that Caroline is the only thing you really want to see. I have been well informed of that by now :) So, hopefully tomorrow you can see what we've been up to lately.

Anyway, have a good weekend!! We have a few exciting things planned and we're really looking forward to finally spending time as a family!!

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I am so jealous that I am not there to see you and baby girl. You two take care, talk to you soon, love and miss you bunches!