Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

Yesterday we celebrated Father's Day (Adam's first!!!) in Haleyville with his family. We had a great weekend showing off Caroline and relaxing. Caroline picked out some really nice gifts for Adam too :)

I don't know how Caroline and I got so lucky to have Adam!! He truly is the best husband and father anyone could imagine. When I was pregnant, he took the best care of me. He took on so much extra cooking and cleaning around the house so that I could rest. He stayed in with me on Friday nights when all our friends were going out if I was too tired. He would read books and play music to my belly. He spent weekend after weekend doing baby registries, crib hunting, and other baby errands - and NEVER complained once (at least not to me). Once C arrived, he was still doing more than his fair share of stuff around the house since I was in so much pain and exhausted - but he added on all the diaper changes, sleepless nights, and laundry that comes along with a new baby. He was (and still is) so amazing!

Happy Father's Day Adam! I hope that you had a great day yesterday. Caroline and I love you more than anything.

Adam and Caroline shortly after she was born

Adam and Caroline on their first Father's Day

Caroline's Father's Day outfit

And just another cute one of our girl


Kelley said...

Looks like that superdad got a visit from the hair fairy--hee hee--- I couldn't resist...

Adam Israel said...

Yep...that just tells me that its time for another haircut.

Thanks so much for the compliments. I love you sooo much Emily. I also love that you've already forgotten about the little bit of complaining I did do while you were pregnant! ;) You're the best!