Wednesday, June 23, 2010

One Month Old!!!

One Month Old - June 23, 2010

I cannot believe that my baby is one month old today!! What a month it has been! This time last month I was hooked up to all sorts of monitors and IV's and anxiously awaiting Caroline's arrival. Now, we are just about settled into life as a family of 3 (humans...4 with Daisy). It's surreal - a month ago I could feel her moving in by belly and now I can see her and hear her. Most days I really enjoy being home with her, other days are super stressful but I still wouldn't want to be doing anything else right now. I have a new appreciation for all you mothers out there. I knew that it would be hard, but staying at home with a newborn is much more than I thought it would be!! I am so impressed by all the mama's who can manage to get in a shower each day, eat actual meals each day and still find some time to relax. If you have any tips or suggestions for me...feel free to pass them on!

At one month old Caroline has gained over 2 pounds and as of Monday was 8 lbs 7 oz. She has been eating 4 oz. at each feeding. She usually eats at mindight and then sleeps until 4:30 or 5:00 and then again until 9:00. However, we have had some horrible exceptions. On Sunday night she was up every hour for about 30 minutes. She is still wearing mostly newborn sized clothes but does fit into a few 0-3 month things. She wants to hold her head up so badly and she's just about there!! She's been staying awake more and more during the day and spends a lot of that time looking at things around the room. Daisy LOVES being her big sister!!! She kisses her feet and has even kissed her little face. I just know they'll be best friends one day.

Happy 1 month old birthday Caroline!! I am so thankful to be your mom. I have never been more tired, frustrated, emotional and exhausted as I have been this month - but I have also never been happier, prouder, more excited and more full of love as I have since you were born. I anxiously await to see what's coming in the months ahead (just don't let them come too fast - there's so much of you that I need to enjoy first). Love, Mommy (it's still crazy that I am a mom!!!!)

1 comment:

Kelley said...

such a good post, i may copy it!!