Thursday, July 1, 2010

First night in the crib...and I'm going crazy

Last night Caroline slept in her crib in her own room for the first time ever!! She's growing like crazy, so it really is only a matter of time before the bassinet is too small for her. Plus, she's one loud sleeper!! All her little noises keep us up - even while she gets plenty of sleep. I was so excited while we were setting up the monitor, but this morning I was so sad!! My sweet baby is already growing up. I know that I'm being dramatic here - but she is just getting so big so quickly. She doesn't look like a newborn anymore.

I feel like I JUST had her - and now she's a big baby!! When I took her to the doctor yesterday, there was a brand new born baby there. I looked at the baby and then I looked at C, and she just looked like a giant!!!! I can't get over how quickly babies change. After she was born and I was exhausted ALL the time, I kept saying how I couldn't wait until she could sit up by herself or feed herself or sleep through the night. Now I just want her in this precious stage forever! I know that she will grow up, but I love her so much as a baby. I was holding her this morning just crying my eyes out because I was so sad that she'll have to grow up!!! Maybe those hormones haven't leveled out just I crazy or what??

I put her back in the crib this morning so I could take a picture to commemorate the event. She wouldn't let me swaddle just imagine that she's sleeping in a sweet little swaddle.

1 comment:

Kelley said...

My hormones are still wonky too--it takes a good while--and while newborn baby is a favorite time, you'll love all the little phases just as much.