Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bath Time and Bumbo

Caroline just LOVES taking baths!! She kicks her little legs and smiles. She also apparently likes to eat soap. When we wash her face she tries to lick the bubbles. It's adorable...and a little strange.

I am happy...I just don't like you taking pictures of me when I am naked!!

Yummy Bubbles

All Clean!

Also...Caroline has been able to hold her head up enough to sit in her bumbo!! She isn't quite holding it up all the time yet, but she's close!

She's not too happy right now. She had to get 2 shots today and she's been super cranky all day - which is very uncaracteristic. I just gave her some infant tylenol so hopefully that will make her feel better soon!!


Kelley said...

LA likes a good bath, too... I think it's a girl thing b/c H hated baths at this age..

Candice Cottingham Reyes said...

sweet girl! I had a great time with you guys today even if she was unhappy. Hope she is feeling better!