Friday, July 23, 2010

Two Months Old!!!

Two Months Old - July 23, 2010

Caroline is two months old today!! She's such a doll and I've really enjoyed (most of) the past two months. She weighs 10 pounds 12 ounces (50% percentile) and is 23.25 inches long (75% percentile) and her head is 15 inches around (50% percentile - so she doesn't have a large head like her dad :) ). She is still eating about 4 ounces at each feeding every 3-4 hours. She is getting closer and closer to sleeping through the night. She usually wakes up once, around 2 or 3 and then gets up for the day around 7. She's not a good napper during the day but we are working on that. She is wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes. Last week she moved up to size 1 diapers - which look so much bigger than the cute little newborn size!! She had her pediatrician visit on Wednesday and got two shots (Pentacel and Prevnar) and one oral vaccine (Rotataq). She only cried for a minute with the shots and she took off her own bandaids. Clearly she does not get that from me :) She smiles and coos all the time now. She recognizes Adam and me - and it just makes us melt!! She holds her head up very well when we sit her up or hold her but she doesn't like to hold it up during tummy time. Her favorite thing right now is her swing.

Happy two month old birthday Caroline!! I love you so much and each day I love more. You are the sweetest little thing and I can't imagine my life without you now. I am so excited to watch you grow and see your personality come out. It's great to be your mom!! Love you!


Kelley said...

Precious girl-- w/ fabulous parents! Hope to see you Sunday--- Lois Anne is being baptized in Contact!

Cassie said...

I love her pretty little dresses, she is too precious.