Thursday, August 26, 2010


When Adam and I were registering for baby things we were told that we HAD to have a Sophie the Giraffe toy. "Everyone" had one. We had never heard of it and we really couldn't figure out why it was so cool, but we figured that we didn't know anything about babies so we had better just get one to be safe. Caroline's Sophie was a gift from her Aunt Katie. Caroline has just now started having any interest in it (but then again, she's only three months old so she's just now started having any interest in anything). Lately, she's has been holding, shaking, and sucking on Sophie. She seems to love it!!!

Here's Caroline when she was just a few days old with Sophie. She wasn't too jazzed up her then...

I can't believe that she was so little!!!


Kelley said...

Can you believe you had a baby 12 weeks ago?!?! :)
I may have to spring for a Sophie-- LA is eating her hands constantly and may like a Sophie---we hope to see you guys on Sunday! YAY-- you are an official SAHM!!!--And her Bama stuff is adorable-- I just commented on all the latest posts at one time, didn't I?

Adam Israel said...

Although she's just a small rubber squeaky toy, you have to admit...Sophie is pretty cool!

Katie said...
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