Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hair Bows

I have started putting little bows in Caroline's hair. She looks so adorable!! I just love all the cutesy stuff that comes along with having a little girl. We (actually just me, C slept the whole time) had such a fun time picking out bows at the store.

In other Caroline news, she's been taking a morning nap and an afternoon nap each day. It's been great. I've gotten so much done. Her naps range from thirty minutes to two hours so hopefully they'll get more regular and predictable soon. I also love that after each nap I get to walk into her room and look over crib and get a huge smile. It just melts my heart. She's not smiling here, but she's just hanging out in her crib when she should have been sleeping :)

1 comment:

Kelley said...

You KNOW I love a good bow!