Monday, April 9, 2012

Twenty Two Months Old!!!

Twenty Two Months - March 23, 2012

Holy Cow!! I am so behind on blogging and C is actually almost 23 months now, but I want to record some of this stuff so here goes...

This past month her vocabulary has just exploded! She is getting so good at saying names. She says mama, daddy, kiki (my sister, Katie), Mimi, Papa, and Daisy all the time. She is also remembering some of her friends names which is so cute! She likes to point out things that she knows like trees, balls, cars, and doors. She will say "knock knock" when we get to a door and "hello" when we go through the door. She calls balloons "loons" and swings "wee wees." When she wants to jump on the trampoline she will say, "I boop." We just love her little language!!

She still loves to be outside all the time. We spend a lot of time in the backyard or at the park. Her other favorite things are puzzles, painting, her new Melissa and Doug decorate cupcake toy (a big sister gift from Daddy), her bubble machine, stickers, throwing/catching balls, and dancing. She loves going to school and playing with her friends. She's such a friendly and happy little girl.

The biggest change this month has been that she moved to a big girl bed!! I have been having a tough time with this ever since we found out that we were having another baby. I was worried that she wouldn't be ready. She's not the best sleeper anyway so I just knew that this would make things worse. Maybe it's just beginners luck and it will get bad later - but she's actually doing alright. She wasn't that comfortable in the crib. She would end up sleeping curled up on her pillow each night. She does have a harder time going down, but she is sleeping better. She hasn't tried to get out of the bed yet which is a miracle! So far, so good!

The biggest issue that we have with her is that she whines a lot. She (like every other human) wants to get her way all the time. Since she cannot express herself very well yet, she ends of whining and it drives me crazy!! Eventually the whining turns into tantrums and has won her several trips to time out lately. We are heading into the terrible twos at full speed!! Other then that, she really is a sweet girl. I hear stories about kids biting and hitting and I am so thankful that so far we haven't had to deal with that. It may be coming, but for now I am happy :)

Happy 22 Months sweet girl!! I cannot believe that you are almost two! Daddy and I love you so so much. You are going to be the best big sister. You are sweet and loving and just a wonderful part of our family and I cannot imagine my life without you!!

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