Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pregnancy Update

It's been a long time since I have blogged about Baby Girl #2. I will try to recap the past couple of months...try being the key word here.

Here are belly pics from Week 32 (3.5 weeks ago)

At week 32 I got sick with some sort of virus. Fever, chills, couging, headache, etc. It was horrible. Due to the high fever we decided to head to the MEU to make sure that everything was okay with the baby. Luckily she looked great but I was having regular contractions every six minutes. I got two shots of terbutaline and that was able to stop them. We went home to rest...only for me to wake up the next day with contractions every 3 minutes. Back to the MEU I went. Thankfully the contractions stopped by themselves and I was home soon after arriving. Apparently being sick can cause contractions. A few days of rest and I was feeling as good as new!!

That same week I also went to the cardiologist. He said that since there was no change, he didn't see any reason to see me again before the baby arrived. This is about the best news we could have hoped for!! While I am still "high risk," all the doctors feel confident that this delivery will go well. What a wonderful blessing!!

Around week 33 my black line started getting more noticable. It's not a big deal, but it's not the most attractive thing I have seen... I have still been craving sweets and fruit and have been eating more than enough of them.

I had an ultrasound at week 34 and she looked fantastic! Her little arms were covering her face so we didn't get any good profile pictures. It looks like she is still a girl!!! Yay!

I have been going to the doctor every week and went this week as well (week 35/36). My blood pressure was fantastic. I have had no swelling or other signs of preeclampsia so that is great news. My lab worked looked perfect so now we are just in the waiting game. I have finished almost everything that I wanted to at this point. The nursery is 99% done. I have two things in temporary frames until we bring them to get framed. We had our maternity portraits last week. We have washed all the little clothes and the car seat. We are ordering the new double stroller this week. All I have left to do it get a wreath for the door...and that's not a necessity, just a fun little project for Ann Parker!

At this point in my pregnancy with Caroline I was 1.5 cm dilated and 50-75% effaced. I am 0 and 0 with this one...so who knows when she is coming!! This part is the most exciting for me. Each day I wonder if today will be the day or will we be waiting another week or month. I am not at the point of talking about induction yet since I am still 4 weeks away from the due date. Hopefully I won't have to be induced and we get to be surprised again!!

I am certainly getting anxious about becoming a mother of two and hope that I can do well at that job. I am just praying for an easy transition for Caroline. This is the only family life she has ever known and everything is about to be shaken up. Having a little sister is such a wonderful thing and I know that after the initial adjustment she will have a best friend forever - but I am still worried about it. Please say a prayer for our family as we get ready to become a family of 4!!

I am so thankful for such a wonderful pregnancy and I cannot wait to meet my new little girl!!

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