Monday, November 1, 2010

What schedule?

Just when we were all settled into a great schedule, Caroline decided naps were for the birds. She hasn't napped very well this past week. Sometimes she'll go down for 10 minutes and sometimes not at all. Some days she gets so mad that I make her lay down and some days she's happy to be in her crib alone. The other day I kept hearing her squeal and this scratching noise. I went into her room and she was talking to the little birds on her sheets and trying to grab them.

You would think that after not napping all day long she would be exhausted and ready for bed. Not this wild woman - she stayed up until 11:30 one night!! She wasn't cranky or anything, in fact, she was smiling and laughing the whole time. Hopefully we'll all be able to get some more sleep soon!

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