Monday, November 1, 2010

Little Sponge

Caroline is a little sponge learning new things every day. We've been working on waving lately. She's got the motion down but she doesn't know when to do it yet. When we say hello or goodbye and wave at her she just looks at us like we're crazy but when we're just sitting down she'll wave at the wall. It's so cute. She's been grabbing whatever we are drinking (thus we've mostly been using plastic around here lately). Last night we let her grab onto Adam's glass of water to see what she would do. He held onto it too of course. Little smarty pants held it up to her mouth just like we do. Every time I took a sip of water she would also move the cup to her mouth. What a smarty!! She must take after her mama! :)

I love how cute her smooshed lip looks!!! (That white space isn't a tooth - it's just her gums pressed up against the glass. She's been teething for a while and hopefully she'll have a tooth pop up soon!)

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