Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Our life just got a lot messier...

But in a good way!! Caroline is such a champ at eating! So far she's tried rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, bananas, sweet potatoes, and pears. She's LOVED everything so far except the pears and we'll try those again soon. Aside from the rice cereal and oatmeal I have made all of the baby food. Adam and I don't eat food from boxes and jars so we figured why should she? I know there are a lot of really great quality baby foods out there and there will be a time where we'll use some (if we're out and it's time for C to eat - it's not really possible to bring frozen baby food to the park for example) but I decided that if I am able to make it then I will. I like knowing what is going into her pure little body. I have actually really enjoyed doing it. I'm not home all day everyday, but on Mondays I usually am. Yesterday I made peas, sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, and pears for a whole week. Anyway, Caroline is at the stage where EVERYTHING must go into her mouth. Good for eating...bad for trying to stay clean. We'll put some food into her mouth and then she'll reach in and touch the food (eww, I know) and then rub it on her face. We totally have more to clean up each day, but we love it!!

Caroline modeling her peas

She's already such a giver...sharing her dinner with Daisy

This morning she decided to spit some food at me. It was cute at first

But then she spit even more

Mama wasn't too happy with pears in her just washed hair

But with a face like that, it's hard to be upset!

Oh well...what a cutie!!


Meredith said...

Aww!! So cute! Miss you guys. :) She's an absolute doll!!

Corinna said...

These pictures are too hysterical. Miss you!