Tuesday, March 2, 2010

26 Weeks

Today I am 26 weeks pregnant - so close to being in the third trimester! It's hard to believe that I'm this close to having a sweet baby girl! Each week I get an email from babycenter.com that tells me what's going on developmentally with the baby and how big she is - she's the length of an English hothouse cucumber this week. It always makes me laugh to picture some fruit or vegetable inside me. Here is a 26 week belly pic.

I meant to take better pictures - but it's been a very week at work (and it's only Tuesday!!) and I've reached a point in my pregnancy where I am always uncomfortable. It's hard to sleep at night, sometimes because she's kicking and sometimes because I cannot get comfortable. Needless to say I am exhausted. I put my pj's on the second I got home and went to rest so that's the best I can do! On another note, we're going to get the dresser/changing table this weekend!! So now we have all the major furniture. We may need another little table to put beside the crib, but we can handle that later. I'll post pictures of that later.


Rebecca said...

how was the second glucose test?

Cassie said...

I miss baby HACOT so much! You are too cute!

Candice Cottingham Reyes said...

look at that belly! Loooove it!