Wednesday, February 10, 2010

23 Week Doctor Visit

I went to the doctor yesterday (twice actually). I had another ultrasound and they confirmed that it is a girl. She was in the normal range for length and weight. She's about a foot long and weighs about 1 lb. 1 oz. - which is about as much as the weight of a large mango. Her heart looked perfect as did her other organs that we could see. She's been moving around a lot lately. It's fun to feel, but it keeps me awake at night! I really could use a good night's rest soon...

At the next doctor visit I will have to do the blood glucose test. If you don't know me - I abhor most drinks. The idea of drinking a "flat orange soda" makes me want to throw up and/or cry. I have been dreading this test ever since I found out that it wasn't optional. I still have two weeks to agonize over that test though.

In other news - it's consignment sale season!! I am taking a vacation day from work this Friday and going to "Whale of a Sale" at Vestavia Hills United Methodist Church. I'm also going to hit up Lil Lambs at Trinity, Giggles and Grace at Asbury and Kids Market this year. I hope that I find some good stuff for Caroline! Hopefully this weekend we'll be able to order her furniture and get some other stuff for the nursery so that it doesn't just look like a blank room. Have a good rest of the week!

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