Monday, April 7, 2014

Twenty Three Months Old!!

Twenty Three Months Old - March 20, 2014
Caroline wanted to take the monthly I let her and this is what we go.  It made me laugh so I felt like we had to use it!

My precious little baby is only a month away from turning the big 2!  I still cannot believe that it's been two years since she was born.  She still seems like a little baby to me.  Caroline seemed so big at this age (AP was born when she was 23 months old) and AP seems so little.  I guess it's because I don't have a newborn to compare her to.  She is still a major mama's girl - and I love it.  She loves daddy, but most of the time she wants to be with me.  Most of all, she is Caroline's girl.  She sure does love her sister.

Her vocabulary is amazing.  She is incredibly clear and knows a ton of words.  She speaks in complete sentences and surprises us with what she knows all the time.  We have a little genius on our hands!  She still has her paci and wants it a lot.  I am dreading taking this away at the end of the month.  Our dentist says to take it away at age 2 or as close to that as possible and that is coming soon.  That will not be a fun week.  It's her comfort object and she asks for it several times throughout the day and often will not stop crying until she gets it.  Caroline never had a paci so this is new for me.  I must say, I am considering not giving baby 3 a paci at all so I don't have to do this again!!

She is a wonderful eater and has a great appetite.  Her favorites are still chicken fingers, macaroni, fruit, pretzels, chips and cheese (Mexican), rice, cheese, and broccoli.  She isn't that adventurous in trying new foods, but when she likes something she will eat it over and over.  We are so glad she likes so many fruits and veggies!  We think she is outgrowing her lactose intolerance.  She has had cow  milk lately and does fine with it so we have been giving it to her more and more and hopefully soon she won't need the soy milk.

Her sleeping is hit or miss these days.  School wears her out and she will nap those days but on non-school days she doesn't get tired until 4...which is horrible.  If I let her fall asleep, she will be up all night and if I keep her awake she is cranky until bed time.  Either way, it's not good.  Sometimes she will sleep through the night and other times she is up a two or three in the morning and will not go back to sleep until I go and get her.  I am hoping this stops before we are up all night with a newborn.

She is so funny!!  She has picked up a lot of "tricks" from Caroline and it's precious watching AP be an entertainer.  She likes to tell knock knock jokes but most of the time they end up like this:
Knock knock
who's there?
Bunny who?

She has a wild imagination and will hide from imaginary witches and sharks and spiders.  Often, these creatures are in our hair and she gets them off and save us.  She loves dress up and all things girly.  She loves My Little Pony, Tinkerbell, Frozen, and most of the princesses.  She loves to wear jewelry and carry purses.  She is our little miss priss!

She is so kind and polite and it makes me so happy.  She always remembers to say please and thank you.  She gives wonderful hugs and kisses.  She loves her friends and she says her best friend is Kiki - my sister.  Good choice baby girl!

She is such a joy and we sure do love this little girl!  She never fails to make us smile.  I am still so amazed that I get to be her mommy.  What a wonderful blessing she is to us!

Happy 23 months baby girl.  As sad as I am to see these baby (ish) days go, I am so excited to see the fun that is ahead.  I know that each day I will continue to love you more and more.  I love you so much!!

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