Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In 48 Hours...

In 48 hours we will know if baby 3 is a he or a she!!!  It's hard to believe it's already here!  I will be exactly 20 weeks that day.  Sadly, Adam will be out of town so I will go for the ultrasound alone and have them write it down on a piece of paper.  It will be a new experience to find out that way - we have always found out in the ultrasound room.  This sweet baby hasn't gotten much blog time, but that doesn't mean we aren't over the moon excited about our new addition!  We simply cannot wait to meet the little person who is going to complete our family.  Here are some old wives tales and some quick predictions about the gender of this little bean:

Mother's Intuition: GIRL

Cravings:  Nothing in particular and no food aversions either...so who knows?

Sickness:  BOY

Chinese Gender Predictor: GIRL

High/Low:  They say if you carry high it's a girl and low it's a boy...so BOY

Legs:  If you gain weight in your legs, it's supposed to be a boy and if your legs stay the same, it's a girl..so BOY

Moodiness:  If you are extra moody, it's a girl...so totally GIRL

I personally think it's a girl, but only because I have only had girls and can only imagine having girls.  Maybe we just make girls??  This pregnancy has been very different from the other two - but they were also very different from each other.  The heart rate for this baby has stayed exactly in the center of the normal range, not fast or slow... I literally mean dead center so I don't have a heart rate to use to figure it out.  I haven't really had any strong feelings one way or the other, but I have also been busier and more stressed about moving and packing so I haven't had a lot of time to think about it.  I guess we will see in just a couple of days!!

Sweet Baby 3,

It doesn't matter if you are a boy or a girl - we love you no matter what!  We cannot wait to find out WHO you are.  So excited to see you!

My belly at 19 weeks, 5 days.

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