Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter is usually one of my favorite holidays...this year it was still one of my favorites but it was probably the most stressful holiday of the year too.  For starters, Ann Parker's second birthday fell on Easter Sunday.  On Good Friday we spent the day anxiously awaiting news on the offer we put on our new house - which was accepted (talk about Good!!).  There is so much going on right now and I cannot say I am enjoying it.  Adam is out of town for business and Ann Parker isn't feeling well -never a good combination when trying to finish packing, organize movers, gather information for the new loan, and get everything else done.  It will all be worth it though.

On Wednesday before Easter, the girls had their Easter parties at school.  They had sweet little dresses to wear, but it was freezing outside!!  They both still managed to have bunnies on their dresses, but they got covered up with sweaters.

On Friday, Adam came home and dyed eggs with the girls.  They LOVED it (and I think Adam was having a good time too).  They were so proud of their eggs.  Adam has been the egg dyer ever since Caroline was born and I think this will be a tradition.  I love seeing all my favorite people together :)

On Saturday, we spent the day celebrating Ann Parker turning TWO (more to come on that).  They were exhausted by bedtime and it was a good thing because the Easter bunny came to visit and was very good to these sweet little girls!  They got new fairy dolls, bathing suits, dresses, candy, cups, sidewalk chalk, dress up shoes, little animals for their zoo, play doh, Dora toothbrushes, and candy..did I already mention that?  I think the bunny may have brought too much candy...

We went to church as a family and came home to eat a delicious brunch.  It was such a fun day!!

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