Tuesday, July 23, 2013



I have wanted to make the blog private for a while.  I just felt uncomfortable having strangers read about my kids.  I finally did it and was giving myself high fives.  Then Adam came home and said he thought it was silly and that I shouldn't care if a few strangers read it - what's the harm?  Now other people who might want to read it won't be able to.  True...but they could ask to be invited.

Then, a certain person who shall remain nameless (Hey Mom!) said they couldn't figure out how to log in.  After explaining that it really isn't that hard, she was still having trouble so she gave up.

Then, I got an email from Tiny Prints about hosting a promotion on my blog which I cannot do if I am a private blog :(

Then I started having second thoughts about my decision.

So, my plan is to leave it private for now, but it may be (probably will be) public again soon.  I am officially the most wishy-washy person ever....maybe second after my three year old :)   Is it crazy that I feel paranoid having the blog public?  I know that 99% of the readers are my friends and family anyway but I still feel a little creeped out by the random readers.  Adam says it's not weird, it's just called being a woman.  ha


Kelley said...

Gotta go with you on this one, Em. Privacy is something you can't get back after it's lost.

Kelley said...

Also, you can set up your blog so it automatically emails posts to certain email addresses each time you post- I did that for those who had difficulty logging in (my mom).