Saturday, July 20, 2013

Fifteen Months Old!!!

Fifteen Months Old - July 20, 2013

My little girl is now 15 months old!!  She is become more and more toddler like each day, although there is still plenty of sweet little baby left in her.  She is still a smaller little girl.  We will go in for her 15 month visit next week so we will have stats then to see exactly how small.  She is still wearing a size 3 diaper, a size 2 shoe, and anywhere from 9 month to 18 month clothes depending on how they run.  She has cut several teeth this month and now has 12 teeth, although most are not fully in.

Her vocabulary has taken off - much quicker than Caroline's did at this age.  Caroline was much more physical at this age, but I am not complaining about that!  Ann Parker can say several words and will repeat a lot of what we say.  This isn't everything but here are some things she says consistently:

She can identify many body parts including eyes, nose, mouth, ears, head, and tummy.  She knows several animals and even some animal sounds.  She makes the "mmmmaaaa" sound when giving kisses or blowing kisses.  She mimics a lot of things we do like holding things up to her ear and saying hi, holding books correctly and "reading", putting on makeup, holding and feeding her babies, among other things.

She loves music and dancing!  One of her favorite things to do is play with her instruments.  She also loves puzzles, books, baby dolls, anything that is Caroline's (especially the kitchen/play food and the dollhouse and princess castle).  We don't watch much tv around here anymore so she really doesn't have favorite shows but she likes the opening song to Chuggington and will watch a Team Umizoomi or Mickey occasionally.

She spent this last week in the nursery at church while C and I did VBS.  She loved it!!  We are so excited about her starting PDO this fall.  I know that she is going to love it and I am really hoping we will be able to add more days.

She is still a great eater and will eat most of what we give her.  Her favorites are eggs, strawberries, broccoli, most things that are sweet, french fries, corn, black beans, bananas, and cheese. She is still taking soy milk.  I wasn't completely convinced that she is actually lactose intolerant until I tried giving her dairy milk several weeks ago.  She was up all night with stomach cramps.  She kept tensing her abdomen and screaming.  As long as we stick to the soy or lactaid and limit the amount of cheese she eats, she does very well.

She is such a happy little girl and we just love her little personality.  She is funny and tries to make us laugh - which she does well.  She is one of my favorite little people in the whole world!!  Caroline turned 15 months on the 23rd of the month and less than a week later we found out we were expecting Ann Parker.  I look at AP now and still see a little baby.  It's hard to imagine being pregnant again with a child this young!!  I am loving this age and really want to enjoy her being my "baby" before we have baby #3 one day.  Although let's be honest, do they ever stop being our "babies"??

Happy 15 months sweet girl!  We love you so much and are so proud of the little girl you are.

Playing the kazoo

A little xylophone action 

My little musician playing the recorder

Blowing a kiss

Showing her pearly whites

And back to the music...

Her baby mullet has curls!!!!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Wow! She is a baby to me too, crazy C was her age abouts when u found out u were pg w AP!!