Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Every time a holiday arrives, I say "this is my favorite holiday yet." I'm sure I'll be saying a bunch over the next couple of months! Halloween was no exception. While Caroline didn't really understand the concept of dressing up and trick-or-treating - she did seem to have a great time. We celebrated for days and loved every minute of it!

Last Friday she got to dress up and go trick-or-treating at daddy's office. She was, of course, the cutest kid there. She got to be a pro at putting candy in her bucket. She even went into one person's office, grabbed an entire bag of candy and then pulled it out of the office and tried to put it in her bucket!

We woke up on Saturday and went to a Halloween party at Raughley's house. Out of the 7 kids that we there, there were 3 bees!! And 2 of them were named Caroline!

Caroline and Raughley just hanging out.

The other precious Caroline bumblebee.

Attempt at a group picture (minus the other Caroline).

My Caroline decided she was done as well...

After we came home and napped, we got ready for another Halloween party that night! This party was for grownups, but we brought Caroline along for a bit. We had a wonderful time visiting with our friends. We dressed in scrubs and witch hats (witch doctors). Caroline let us know when it was time to take her home by trying to go to sleep in the middle of the room. Precious.

Yesterday was the Halloween party in Caroline's class. Parents can go if they want and of couse I did!

She proudly showed me the toys she likes to play with.

Her ghost shirt she wore for the occassion.

One of her teachers, Miss Lisa. Caroline wasn't interested in looking at the camera...

She wanted to join her friend in squishing another friend behind the chair. How sweet.

Later that afternoon we met up with Raughley and Rebecca to watch the Halloween parade in Crestline Village. She loved it! She "caught" some beads and a pencil from the floats. After that we met up with daddies for dinner at La Paz - where she had ZERO meltdowns!! We did a little trick-or-treating before C decided she was worn out. By 8:00 the entire Israel family was in bed. We had such a wonderful Halloween and we hope yours was a wonderful as can BEE!!!


Anna Beam said...

What a precious bumble bee! I think the "Dorothy" shoes add the perfect touch!

AKA The Fuzz said...

Love the passed out on the floor pic