Tuesday, November 15, 2011

No Doubt

When Caroline was an infant, almost everybody said that she looked like Adam. One lady said to us, "Well we know who the father is, but who is the mother?" Very funny lady... Her baby pictures really do look just like Adam's baby pictures. As she gets older, we get more comments that she is a mix of us or that she looks just like me. Some things I can see - she gets her hair color from me and her nose from Adam. Other than that, I have no idea who she looks like - she just looks like Caroline!

Personality wise, there is no doubt who this child belongs to. We would often joke that Caroline is just like Adam over small things. Every night I get Adam a big cup of ice and I put a piece of ice in C's mesh food holder. They sit together and eat their ice. She likes to stay up late and sleep late in the mornings - certainly not something she gets from her early to bed, early to rise mommy. But now I can confirm that she is fact just like Adam. Ever since I have known Adam, people have joked that he was going to be president one day. When I would visit his hometown, people would ask if I was ready to be politicians wife. His elementary school teachers told me that even as a young child they knew he would go into politics. Last Sunday I took Caroline to the nursery at church. When I went to pick her up, one of the nursery workers said, "She's quite the little politician." I had to hold back laughter to find out what she meant. Apparently, she made the rounds to all the workers, volunteers, and children - waving and blowing kisses to everyone. As parents would come in she would wave and blow kisses - even trying to SHAKE HANDS with some of them!!! They were joking that she was campaiging for cutest kid in the nursery (she clearly would have won)! Like I said, there is no doubt who this child belongs to...

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