Monday, November 7, 2011

12 Week Belly Pic and 14 Week Update

I'm a couple weeks behind on posting this...but here's my belly at 12 weeks. I didn't mean to blend in with the wall.

I had an OB appointment last week and here is the sweet baby at 13 weeks!

Everything looked great with the baby! He/She had a heartrate in the 150's - strong and perfect. Baby was also measuring a little ahead - meaning they may move up the due date! I haven't gained much, if any, weight and the doctor wanted me to put on some more pounds. I may not be gaining much, but at least we know the baby is growing just fine.

It looks like I may be heading to physical therapy for my sciatic nerve pain if it continues to bother me a lot. I decided to hold out a little longer and luckily it hasn't been so bad these past couple of days. Fingers crossed that it stays that way! Other than that, the baby and I look good. I have another appointment scheduled for the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. Since the clinic will be low staffed due to the holiday, they are going to wait to do the anatomy scan :( That means we won't be finding out the gender before Thanksgiving. I guess we'll have to wait another week or two after that.

The ultrasound technician that I had last week is guessing that the baby is a boy. She said she didn't see anything and that her guess was based on the size since it was measuring ahead. Of course she doesn't realize that Adam is 6'4'' and that I may just have a big baby! I haven't had any strong feelings either way during this pregnancy about the gender. Lately I've been thinking that it's a girl though. I only guess girl because I know of 6 people who have found out the gender of their babies recently and 5 were girls. That's about a good a guess as the technician. Well, one of us will be right!

It's so exciting to be able to experience this again. Adam and I are feeling so blessed right now and cannot wait to meet the newest member of our little family!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Love the belly pic!!!