Wednesday, October 13, 2010


We have finally reached a really good point in our daily routine. Caroline is napping very well and I am able to get more stuff done around the house. It works best for her to have three 1 hour naps throughout the day. Sometimes that gets stretched to a few 1.5 hour naps, and that's okay too :)

Until recently, whenever she cried I would give her about five minutes before going to get her. My theory was that if she really wasn't tired, why should she stay in her crib? The end result was a VERY cranky baby and a big pile of laundry and a messy house. Needless to say, it wasn't working for any of us. Luckily I have a friend who has a little girl about a month older than Caroline. They have an amazing schedule worked out. She said that she puts her baby down for an hour nap and she can either sleep, cry, just lay there, or whatever but that is nap time. I decided that I would do the same. I know that Caroline needs to nap and I know that I have to get stuff done. I let her cry it out the first few times, but now she's sleeping so well!! As soon as I put her down she goes right to sleep!! I have accomplished so much today...and now I'm sitting here blogging before she wakes up. What a great thing!!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Good for you!!!
We miss you at M&M though!