Monday, October 24, 2011

Old Wives Tales

There are so many old wives tales about how to determine the gender of your baby. My doctor assures me that there is no way to tell the sex except for an ultrasound (and DNA testing). Here are some of the old wives tales and where Baby Israel falls...

Heartbeat: If the baby has a heartbeat about 140, it's a girl. If it's below, it's a boy. At 9 weeks the baby had a heartbeat in the 180's - so that means girl!! Of course Caroline never got above 140 and she's a girl.

High or Low: If you carry the baby high, it's a girl. If you carry low, it's a boy. This baby is sitting much lower than Caroline - so baby boy?

Face: If your face gets rounder, it's a girl. My face isn't getting any rounder with this pregnancy. Boy? Then didn't with Caroline!

Old Mayan Tale: Add the numbers of the mothers age at conception. If it's even, it's a girl and if it's odd it's a boy. I was 26 when I got pregnant (I turned 27 the following month) so that would be 8 - girl! I was 25 with Caroline so she shouldn've been a boy.

Acne: If you get acne you'll have a girl. I'm breaking out like crazy so it should be a girl. My face has never been more clear than when I was pregnant with she should be a boy!! (Almost everything said boy when I was having her!!)

Cravings: Sweet means girl and salty means boy. I couldn't stand sweets with Caroline and only wanted salty. This pregnancy I'm not craving much but I can still eat sweets so it's hard to say.

Chinese Gender Chart: With Caroline it said girl and with this one it says boy!

Baby Names: If you can only think of names for a particular gender, that is what you are having. I could only come up with boy names for Caroline and she's a girl... With this one, I only have a girl name picked out!

Headaches: Headaches mean boy. I am having lots of headaches with this pregnancy - so boy!

Dry Hands: Dry hands mean boy. My hands are very dry - so boy again!! (Or it's getting colder outside...)

Morning Sickness: If you are sick and nauseaus, it's a girl. If you don't get sick, it's a boy. I've gotten sick with this one a lot - so it's a girl!

Ring Test: Circle means girl and back and forth means boy. My ring made a circle - so girl!

Dreams: Whatever sex you dream about you will have. I only had dreams about girls with Caroline and with this one I have only had boy dreams - boy! I've also read that whatever sex you dream about means you will have the that means girl as well. Hopefully there is only one baby in there!!

As you can tell, it's pretty much a toss up for boy or girl but it's fun to guess! I really don't have a strong feeling either way of what the sex is but I am excited to find out! At first I thought it must be a boy because I just feel so different. Then I was convinced it was a girl because I kept saying "she" when refering to the baby. Now I just don't know!! We still have several weeks to go...unless of course I can convince the doctor to try to see it sooner :)

1 comment:

Anna Beam said...

I am not happy the Baby Israel was asleep today...but I am happy that you had a great report! Sweet baby Israel better cooperate in a few weeks :)