Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Misadventures in eating

Up until recently, Caroline has been the best eater. She would try everything that we gave her and would eat most of her food at each meal. In the past week, she's been more picky. She doesn't eat a lot at breakfast, she falls asleep during lunch (and I've tried moving lunchtime 3 times - she just moves her naptime with it!), and she gives Daisy most of her dinner. She's been pushing away sippy cups and only wanting a bottle.


Feeding Daisy again

She thought it was funny. I did not.

Although she didn't want Daisy eating her food this day. Daisy has been getting more comfortable taking C's food (and why not, C just gives it to her?) so we've started putting outside during meal time.

I thought that ravioli would be a fun food for C. I spent forever picking out the best ravioli and sauce in Whole Foods. I was so excited to give it to her...

Looks like a clean tray, huh? Nope...she just pushed it all away.

I decided that we were going to sit there and she was going to eat it. I was determined not to cook a different meal. 40 minutes later...

She was fine just sitting there, only asking to get up a couple times.

She finally started getting a little impatient.

But she still wouldn't eat. After an hour and a half I finally got her out of her high chair.

I pulled out every baby/toddler cookbook I have plus spent hours online looking for good ideas. I'm going to try some new stuff and see if that pleases her. Anyone else have any suggestions???


Kelley said...

Just be patient and consistent. It will pass! :-)
I know it is frustrating though!!

Sometimes taking her out of the seat and then trying again later can help, just mixing it up. And although you want her on a schedule, I love schedules, she may not be hungry...I mean we aren't always hungry at the same time every ay.

Jared and Elizabeth said...

I must admit, I laughed out loud a few times while reading this! I've read in several places that their appetites change around a year. Lila has always eaten anything and a lot of it, then she suddenly stopped. She still eats a variety, just not much of it. She does love PB&J and, our guilty pleasure, pierogies. LOVES them (and all you do is boil them)! If she hasn't eaten much in a while, I pull out those and we're good! We also try to be aware of snacking too much. That way, she's hungry at meal times.

Plus, I'm kind of old school and think most children will eat when they're hungry. Like K said, patience and consistency. C will eat again! :)

Tara & Johhny said...

jack has always been hard to get to eat (he ate baby food until he was well over a year). he is so much like me...i was a really picky eater growing up. anyway, i am probably a bad mom because i give jack chicken nuggets and hot dogs atleast 4 times a week. we are working really hard on trying to get him to eat what we eat, but being 35 weeks pregnant i have become somewhat relaxed about it. what we do now (which jack is 2.5 and old enough to understand) is to tell him that if he gets hungry later then he can eat dinner (we save it in the fridge). this has worked a few times for us....other times he just goes to bed hungry. i used to worry about his skinny self not eating but now i know that he will eat if he is hungry. and the kid loves to eat "dip" (that got him to try new things too). good luck!