Monday, December 5, 2011

Pregnancy Update

I am now 18 weeks pregnant! One week away from finding out the gender of the baby and two weeks away from the halfway point (although I highly doubt I'll make it to 40 weeks). This pregnancy has gone by so fast. Here are belly pics from 16 weeks:

So far I am feeling great - better than I ever did with Caroline. Sometimes I forget that I am pregnant! I've entered the "nesting" phase, which is good considering all we have to do. I'm just about done with Christmas shopping for Caroline and the baby, I'm working on everyone else, I have a lot of the presents wrapped that I do have here, all the decorations are up, Christmas cards will go out this week - and that's just Christmas related stuff. I've picked out fabric for window panels for the kitchen, I've picked out a paint color for a book shelf in the kitchen, I have paint samples for Caroline's big girl room, I've separated a lot of baby toys from big girl toys and put those in the correct rooms, I've gone through all the blankets, onesies, burp clothes, etc. and made a list of what we will need for the new baby, I've started organizing the attic, and I have a list a mile long of things to start in the next month. We are going to busy, busy around here!

I went to the OB two weeks ago and everything looked great with the baby! Heart beat was good and strong. They didn't tell me what the heart rate was though. My sciatic nerve pain has been so much better and I am so thankful. I will go back next week for the anatomy scan and we'll get to see Baby Israel and how much he/she has grown! I have felt several flutters in my belly during the past week which is so exciting. I didn't feel Caroline this early, but once I felt her move she never stopped moving.

There's not much else to write about because I honestly feel so good. Headaches and nausea are pretty much gone, I'm not having any major food cravings or aversions, and my energy level is good. Things are as good as they can be I guess! I have had several dreams about finding out the gender so I'm getting anxious to actually find out! You all will have to wait a little longer because we're going to have a gender reveal party with our family and some friends. :)

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