Thursday, December 1, 2011

Eighteen Months Old!!

Eighteen Months Old - November 23, 2011

Caroline turned 1 1/2 the day before Thanksgiving - and I couldn't be more thankful for my beautiful, smart, healthy eighteen month old little girl! This has been such a fun month filled with lots of new words and skills. First - here are the stats from her check up! She weighed 23 lb. 6 oz. (25th percentile), had a head circumference of 18 inches (50th percentile) and was 32 inches tall (75th percentile). Dr. Wilson did say that she thought Caroline was taller and there was probably an error in measuring and that the nurse would remeasure after C got her shots. I was so ready to get Caroline home that we ran out before she could be remeasured! Adam and I are going to measure her at home to make up for that. She was such a good girl at the doctor's office. Dr. Wilson said that she was developing - both physically and mentally - just perfectly and she had no notes for me. She got one shot and only cried for just a second. I was so proud!

In the past couple of weeks Caroline has become more and more vocal. She tries to copy a lot of the words we say at we can actually make out several of them (some examples are: door, silly, shut, off). She has been frequently using some new words like more, tickle, see, and look. She will string a couple of words together to make a basic sentence ("no Daisy" and "di it!" for "I did it!"). She understands so much of what we say and we are trying hard to remember that! She loves to help us. She helps Adam put his shoe trees in and then put the shoes in the closet after work each day, she loves to give Daisy her treats, she will help put clothes in the dryer and my favorite - she will put her toys back in the basket when she's done. She always gets so excited and cheers for herself and says "di it!"

Not a day goes by that she doesn't make us laugh. She gives the best hugs and kisses and we just eat them up. I really feel like we hit the jackpot with Caroline and it's hard to imagine that our next child will be as wonderful, although I know we'll think the same of him/her too! Speaking of babies - I don't think Caroline has any idea of what is coming but she will pat my tummy and give it a kiss, sometimes when we don't say anything prompting her to. I think it's just a habit now but it's still precious. She's still wearing a size 4 diaper and mostly 18-24 mo. sized clothes. She naps once a day. Her sleeping is real hit or miss lately - which I hear is normal around this age. Most nights she'll go to bed and sleep soundly until morning. She'll go down around 8:30 and wake up about 8:00 in the morning. We have had several horrible nights lately where she is still up and crying at 10:00!! Even worse - she'll wake up about 1:00 am! I have found that if I let her nap for a long time (3 or more hours) she's more likely to stay up late. I've been trying to wake her up after 2 hours and that has helped a lot. Hopefully she'll be on a more consistant routine before her brother or sister arrives. It won't be much fun to be up during the night with a newborn AND a toddler!

While I think Caroline is just perfect - she is human and thus not without her flaws. She has been throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way but thankfully they don't last long. She also started wagging her finger at us and saying "no no" when we tell her no. As cute as it is and as hard as it is not to laugh, we are trying very hard to discourage this behavior. Thankfully she is usually pretty easygoing and happy!

I cannot belive that our baby girl is 1 1/2!! This age is so much fun and we are having the time of our lives!

Happy 18 months precious girl! Daddy and I love you so much. You are so sweet and smart and not to mention adorable little girl in the whole world. I am beyond proud and excited to have you as my daughter. You are so loved!!

Some pics from Caroline's 18 month appointment.

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