Sunday, December 11, 2011

One Last Guess

We will find out the gender of Baby Israel this week! I am so excited to finally know who has been living in my tummy these past several months. Once we find out, we have to hit the ground running and start preparing for the arrival. So much fun, but oh so much to do!!! I've gone back and forth as to whether I think the baby is a boy or girl. At first I was for sure it was a boy since I felt so different. The US tech guessed boy and that also made me think it had to be a boy. Then I was certain it was a girl because it seems that almost everyone I know having their second child is having the same sex as their first. Then I was back to boy again. I know there is no real way to tell other than an ultrasound, but it sure has been fun trying to figure it out! My final guess is that I am having another girl. Since I only have a girl, I can only imagine the doctor saying "It's a girl." It's hard for me to think that they'll say anything different. I don't have a real strong gut feeling and my symptoms have been a mix of boy and girl Old Wives Tales so I don't have anything else to go on. Adam thinks it a boy because I've been acting so different with this pregnancy. I was so sensitive with Caroline and cried often. I've certainly been emotional with this one...but I'm not crying - I'm usually yelling or mad. My cravings/aversions are so different too. It will be interesting to see who is right.

If you want to take a final guess in the baby pool, you have until Monday night before we close it. The winner will get a Starbucks giftcard. Even if you get the sex wrong, you could still win since birth date/time/weight/etc. is part of it. The link is on the left side of the blog.

Can't wait to find out!!!!


Cassie said...

I say girl. Is little C excited about Christmas this year? Has she been to see Santa yet?

Kelley said...

Oh goodness! So exciting either way! You know I'll be glad to get some baby time in!!