Monday, January 27, 2014

Twenty One Months Old!!

Twenty one months old
January 20, 2014

In just three short months my baby will be TWO! Yikes!  She is at such a funny age right now and we are loving every second (well...maybe not EVERY second).  She speaks so well for her age.  Teachers, friends, strangers, doctors, and most people we have come across will comment on how clearly she speaks and how large her vocabulary is.  It's amazing.  She has so many more words than C did at this age.  She has a lot of funny expressions that we love.  She has been calling me Emily - which I don't love but Adam finds hysterical.  She tells everyone to "chill out" when it gets loud around here, which is often.  She asks Adam to "come and join us" each morning for breakfast.  She says "I'm a genius" at times - which is true.  She also makes funny faces on demand.  She does mad, sad, happy, sweet, and surprised.  It is so dang cute.

She has been a horrible sleeper for the past couple of months and so we will be trying to move her to a big girl bed soon.  Hopefully that helps, or else we will be going back to sleep training...which sounds miserable.

She loves to give us hugs and kisses.  She has such a sweet personality.  She especially loves Caroline.  On Fridays, AP stays home with me while C goes to school.  All day long she asks to go get Sissy.  It's precious.  They play so well together and I am so thankful.  She also loves her friends and will ask for them by name.  It's so nice to have friends with kids the same age that we get to watch grow up together.  

Her favorite things are art (stamps, paint, crayons, stickers, glitter, anything crafty), playing with the kitchen and food toys (the Melissa and Doug ice cream set and pizza set are the favs of the moment), anything outside, and baby dolls.  

I used to worry that Caroline's big personality would over shadow Ann Parker's milder one.  Boy was I wrong.  AP is really coming into her own and her personality is just as big.  She loves her time in the spotlight and making people laugh.  She is outgoing, friendly, and happy and just a joy to be around.

Happy 21 months sweet girl.  I am so proud of you.  You are such a wonderful girl and a perfect part of our family!

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