Thursday, January 9, 2014

Conversations with Caroline

I love having conversations with Caroline.  About half of them don't make any sense, but they make me laugh.  Here are a couple from our morning together.

C: I have a boo-boo on my hand.
Me: oh no.  How did that happen?
C: I got it in the bathtub.  I was swimming but I wasn't.  I was sitting like this.  (Lays on her tummy on the floor)
Me:  I am so sorry! Good thing you were so brave!
C: yeah...but I love chocolate chip cookies.
Me: me too.
C: because we are best friends.
Me: we sure are.
C: let's sign. We are best friends.  We are best friends.  Not Ann Parker.
Me: Ann Parker is our best friend too.
C:  no she's not because she is too little and she can't have my ladybug plate.  Mommy, I got this boo boo on my hand (same one from one minute prior) because I tried to hit Ann Parker.
Me: I thought you got that in the bathtub.
C: good thing it isn't snowing today.  I don't have a snow blower.  I love chocolate chip cookies and toys and treats.  I will get some.  I have six 6 pennies.
Me:  ummmm...what?

C:I don't feel well today because I love painting today.
Me: painting doesn't make you feel bad.
C: oh I get it.  

She starts setting out her paints and I continue picking up, assuming the conversation is over.

C: I love painting today because of Baby Moses.

Conversation is totally over... Mommy doesn't know how to respond.

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