Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Thirteen Months Old!!

Thirteen Months Old - May 20, 2013

Ann Parker turned 13 months old yesterday.  It's so amazing to me to see how quickly things change these first few years.  The first 12 months is all about physical growth and it seems the next 12 are all about cognitive growth.  She learns something new every day and we are enjoying watching our girl grow!

In honor of her 13 month birthday I took her to see an allergist.  Totally kidding, but the appointment happened to be yesterday.  Shortly after she turned one (and I opened my mouth about how great she was doing on whole milk), Ann Parker got sick.  She had a fever and a cough.  She was also waking up in the middle of the night and it seemed like her stomach hurt.  She was tensing her stomach and trying to get in a ball and then stretching out.  She was very uncomfortable.  I took her to the doctor and they said it was most likely viral and would be gone in a couple of days.  As they said, the fever and cough went away a couple of days later, but the horrible fits of crying and pain remained.  Our great sleeper was suddenly getting up two to three times during the night plus it occasionally happened during the day.  I realized that this all happened right after her birthday, and the only thing that had changed was the fact that she was only getting whole milk.  The pediatrician recommended trying soy milk to see how that went.  Just like that, the crying fits stopped.  We were great for a couple of weeks and then they started up again.  I tried to figure out what it was and then realized - I gave her a significant amount of cheese that day!  Just to be sure, we went to the allergist to see what was going on.  He tested for the usual culprits - milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soy, etc.  Luckily, all those were negative.  He did, however, say that she was lactose intolerant.  I learned that lactose intolerance is different from a milk allergy.  Luckily, it seems to be the lesser of the two so I am thankful!  Hopefully she will outgrow this and her body will start making more lactase to help digest the milk sugars.  If not, it can easily be controlled with her diet (limit dairy milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.).

Little Miss Priss has learned some new tricks this month.  She has been shaking her head no a lot.  It's precious.  She has also picked up a fake laugh.  She can give high fives.  Her favorite foods are macaroni and cheese, beans - all kinds, and peas.  She loves the bath, dancing, when daddy flips her and tosses her in the air, snuggling with mommy, and Caroline.  Being outside, swinging, and reading books are pretty high on the list too.

She is doing great with a sippy cup, but still getting a bottle or two during the day.  Since she's so small, the doctor said to leave at least one or two for another few months to make sure she is getting enough calories each day.  She is obsessed with her paci and I really trying to nip that.

She is a happy little thing and I cannot believe she is already 13 months!!!  She is becoming more and more of a toddler each day and I love my sweet little girl!

Look at those little curls coming in!!

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