Monday, May 20, 2013

Caroline's Birthday Party

We celebrated Caroline's third birthday with a fun party this past Saturday!  Her actual birthday isn't until Thursday though.  My goal for this party was that it was for CAROLINE, not me.  I asked her who she wanted to come to her party and she listed out her friends.  It was the first time I organized a party that I had to introduce myself to people.  Until this school year, all of her friends were the kids of my friends.  Now, she has friends that she made at school.

We had the party at Wald Park in Vestavia at 10:30 am.  The forecast was not looking good...thunderstorms and rain for most of the day.  I prayed and prayed for good weather and it actually turned out to be a beautiful morning - a little humid and overcast, but no rain!!

Several of her friends from her class and some other friends from outside of school came.  They had a blast running around!  Caroline's favorite part was when everyone sang to her.  She giggled through the entire birthday song.

She had originally said she wanted a pink party.  I picked out cute invitations and had planned on getting a cake to match the one on the invitation.  The Tuesday before her party, she said she wanted a flower party.  So we changed to a flower party.  On Thursday, she said she wanted a cow party...we did not change to a cow party.

Snack table - all the 3 year old essentials: cheese its, teddy grahams, fruit snacks

She picked out her own cake!

Party Favors: bubbles, kazoo, bracelet (girls) sticky frog (boy)

Even her dress had flowers!

Sweet Sam
Lois Anne

Caroline, Lynlee, Jack, Chambers

Jack and Nick

Luke and Sam



"the other Caroline"

AP's dress falling down

It was an amazing birthday party - exactly what C wanted: friends, cake, singing, and fun!  It was also just what I needed - easy!  Crazy to think how far we've come over these years...

C at 1 day old

C at her first birthday party

C at her second birthday party

Happy Birthday sweet girl!!!  So excited to celebrate your actual birthday with you this week!!

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