Sunday, May 26, 2013

On the day you turned three...


Last Thursday you turned THREE.  I know I say this with every passing month (and now year), but I cannot believe it.  My precious little baby turned into a precocious toddler and has now turned into a sweet and funny little preschooler.  The night before your birthday I put you in bed, like any other night, only this time left me in tears.  Two was such a good year for you.  Don't get me wrong, it was certainly hard.  You loved showing off your new found independence and having a new little sister didn't make it any easier for me, but it was so much fun.  I cannot wait to see what special and exciting things three will bring!!  Happy birthday beautiful girl.  I love you more than you will ever know.

We started the day with breakfast.  You got to pick.  I offered to make any one of your favorites - pancakes, muffins, etc.  You chose cheese its and fruit.  Even though I pulled out the big guns and said we could go get doughnuts or cinnamon rolls, you wanted those cheese its.  So cheese its we ate...

After breakfast, we got dressed and ready for your big day!!  You chose to go bowling with your best buddy, Sydney.  You also spent the day you turned two with her.

Birthday girl ready to go!!

You had the lane to yourselves!!

You two had a great time bowling!!  I think you made it to the 8th frame before you started to lose interest. After lunch we headed to Diplomat Deli for lunch.  You ordered peanut butter and jelly, but I think the only thing you ate were the 3 enormous pickles that came with your lunch.

After lunch we said bye bye to our friends.  I took you and Ann Parker for some ice cream.  You loved your ice cream, but you thought the best thing was watching AP walk around and be silly!!

We came home and put Ann Parker down for a nap.  You and I had some one on one time, which was wonderful!!  We broke out some of your new dot paint that Sydney and Brooklyn gave you for your birthday.  They must certainly know what you like to do!!

After we painted, we went outside to play.  You wanted me to draw Millie, Geo, and Bot from Team Umizoomi over and over.  So I did...sort of...

Then you requested we turn on one of the sprinklers.  It's funny that we have about 5 different sprinklers, a splash pad, and a few little pools that you request often - but never get in.  You just like to watch.  I say funny but daddy says huge waste of money as our water bill gets pretty high each summer ;)

When Ann Parker woke up, we headed to the grocery store to pick up some dinner and cupcakes before heading to the park.  We went to Overton Park in Homewood.  You love this park!!  We did some swinging and sliding for a while before we went home.

We headed home and you ate hot dogs and strawberries for dinner - your pick.  Then you devoured about 5 mini cupcakes (really just the icing).  Mommy and daddy had to go to a dinner for daddy's work, so Miss Harper came over to play.  She brought you and Ann Parker the sweetest matching jammies for your birthday.  You put them on right away and have asked to wear them every night since.

You had a wonderful day turning three!!  We kept on celebrating for the next couple of days too - ice cream the next night and going to see your very first movie at the theater the day after that!  We saw The Croods and you LOVED it!!  It was hard to know what you loved more - the movie or the popcorn.  Years down the road, you won't remember what you did when you turned three, but I will always remember that precious day and the sweet moments we spent celebrating YOU.  You are a true blessing little girl - at every and all ages!!!

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