Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Oh Caroline!

Caroline is just so stinkin funny these days! Her vocabulary has exploded and she says the funniest things.

She recently learned the word 'never' and now says it all.the.time. We went to a birthday party for a friend and when it was time to go she said " Never! I will never leave Laura's party!"

Anytime that she can sense that we are frustrated she will ask "What happened to you?"

She often asks "What are you dune {doing}?" No matter what the response is: cooking, folding clothes, changing AP's diaper, etc. her reply is "Oh, I get it!"

"Listen to me baby." To AP when she wants her to do something or give her something.

Adam doesn't sleep with a shirt on. We had company over the holidays so C got to bunk with us. She was ready for bed one night and wanted Adam to lay with her so she said (in front of everyone) " Get naked daddy!" I guess seeing him without a shirt equals bedtime and that's what she wanted!! It was so awkward and hysterical!!

She will say "Great job Mama!" to almost everything I do.

Her favorite song is 'One Thing' by One Direction and she knows most of the words. She asks to sing it nightly.

That's all for now!

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