Monday, January 14, 2013

Eight Months Old!!!

Eight Months Old - December 20, 2012

So this post is a little bit late.  I thought I posted this last week when I actually just saved it...but here we go.  My precious baby is getting closer and closer to toddlerhood.  Times flies when you are having fun - and we sure are!  At 8 months old, Ann Parker is the sweetest, happiest little thing.  Unless she is hungry or tired, she usually has a smile on her face.  She gives out smiles easily but Caroline gets the biggest ones.  I love the relationship they are already forming. 

Ann Parker can sit unassisted.  She will reach her arms to be held, clap (sometimes on demand), and wave.  She doesn't wave at the right time yet, but we are getting there.  She can get her legs under her body for a bit as if she's trying to crawl.  She can scoot herself backward and occassionally forward.  We haven't had to move her crib down since she cannot yet get from laying down to sitting up.  She does try to pull up all the time on mommy and daddy.  She loves to stand!!  She has been babbling a lot more then days and we can hear her making the "d" and "b" sounds along with the "ooooo's" and "ahhhhhh's."  I love her sweet little voice.

I am still making some of her food, but I have also given her some store bought baby food.  She is a great eater and has had quite a variety of food!  She hasn't been very interested in "big girl" food - like puffs, crackers, etc. but C didn't show interest until later on as well so I'm not worried.  She takes about 5 oz. of milk at each feeding.  She is still on a 3 hour schedule (7, 10, 1, 4, 7) but sometimes she will go 4 or 5 hours between the early feedings.  She goes to bed around 7:15 and wakes up around 7-7:15.

She loves bath time and is now sitting in the big tub by herself!  She LOVES to splash!  She loves watching Mickey with Caroline, playing with her alphabet train, books, puzzles, anything that lights up and makes noise, watching Daisy, and swinging.  She will still cat nap in her swing but I imagine that we will soon be moving that back up the attic :(  She hates getting her nose wiped.  I mean really hates it!  She is also not a big fan sudden loud noises (although we took her to the BBVA Compass Bowl last weekend and she did great).  But really other than that, she is so easy going and laid back.

I had to take her for a sick baby vist last week.  She was running a fever and was so sleepy.  She was wheezing, but it wasn't too bad.  The doctor was worried that she would get worse and we'd have to come back for breathing treatments and depending on how bad - maybe even make a trip to Children's!!  Luckily, by the next day she seemed to be better.  She still had a runny nose and a small cough, but she was awake and smiling and had no fever.  Thank goodness!!

She has been getting better and better about being with people other than mommy or daddy.  She'll usually cry for a minute but then goes right back to her happy self.  She still loves mommy and daddy the most, but Kiki (my sister, Katie) is close behind. 

Happy 8 month birthday little AP!!  We are so crazy about you and cannot imagine our lives without you.  Your sweet little smile just brightens our days.  Love you!!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I could kiss her face off!!! I need some cuddle time :/)

Try some baby Vick's Vaporub on the bottom of her feet w socks or footies for bedtime. Worked w my babies when they had colds ;)