Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Two Months Old!!

Two Months Old - June 20, 2012

Today my baby is two months old.  Time sure is flying by.  We are enjoying Ann Parker so much.  She is such a wonderful baby!!  With very few exceptions she is sleeping through the night.  I will feed her between 10-11 and she will sleep until 8:30, only stirring once and 99% of the time a paci will help.  It's been such a difference from baby Caroline, who was up a lot during the night for feedings.  She is napping well during the day too.  She usually takes one long nap in the afternoon and then little cat naps here and there, but that also changes depending on the activities of the day so I won't say that we're in a schedule yet.

We have moved her to size 1 diapers, although they are still a little big!  She has outgrown some of her smaller newborn clothes.  She is still wearing mostly newborn and some 0-3 month clothes.  She goes to the pediatrician tomorrow so we'll have stats then.  I know she has grown though - look at the difference between these pictures and last month!

She is still a good eater.  She is also better at nursing, although she mainly takes bottles.  She is only getting breastmilk at this point and hopefully that will last for a while.  She takes about 3 oz. at a time during the day and about 5 oz. at night before bed.  She doesn't spit up very much which is great, but if I try to give her more milk she will projectile spit up.  Lovely :)

She smiles all the time and I just love it!  Caroline seems to get the most smiles and that's okay with me.  Ann Parker still loves her swing, bouncer, Nuk paci, being outside, stroller rides, music, bath time, being held, Caroline, and watching Daisy.  (Mommy and Daddy too, of course!) 

She doesn't mind tummy time.  She's been working hard on her neck muscles!  She has also been bearing weight on her legs a lot. 

She is a very happy and content baby - an absolute joy to be around! 

Happy 2 month birthday Ann Parker!!  We love you so much.  I am so happy that you are a part of our family.  Your sweet little smiles and precious little coo's just melt my heart!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I'm going to need to hold that angel soon!