Friday, June 1, 2012

One Month Old!!

One Month Old - May 20, 2012

Our precious new little girl is one month old!!  (Actually 6 weeks now that I am so far behind!)  What an exciting month it has been.  I feel like we are finally getting settled into some sort of a routine.  Things are still pretty hectic, but we are getting there... :) 

Ann Parker is such a sweet little baby.  She is very mild tempered and doesn't often cry - only when she is very hungry or needs a new diaper and who can blame that?  She is an excellant sleeper.  We are only getting up once during the night.  She will eat around 11:00/12:00 and sleep until 6:00 am!  After Caroline and her sleeping habits, we are very excited about this!  She is also a good little eater.  She is not, however, the best nurser so I am pumping around the clock which isn't always fun but it's worth it.  She takes 2-4 oz. during the day and about 5 oz. at her midnight feeding.  She has a little bit of reflux so she's starting some zantac to help with that.  She is growing like a little weed!  At her one month doctor appointment she weighed 7 lb. 7 oz. (10th percentile), was 21 inches long (50th percentile), and had a head that was 13 3/4 inches (10th percentile).  Dr. Wilson was very pleased with how she was growing and so are we!

She is still wearing newborn size diapers and clothes.  She's just a tiny little doll!  She likes bath time, Nuk paci's, her bouncer, her swing (but only when it's on the swinging motion, not the cradleing motion), and she love love loves to be held.  This isn't always easy when her big sister demands so much attention!! 

Happy One Month Birthday sweet Ann Parker!!  Mommy, Daddy, and Caroline love you so much.  You are a wonderful addition to our family.  I cannot wait to see your little personality as you grow up (but not too fast, please).  Will you be shy?  Or outgoing like Caroline?  Will you be calm and easygoing like Daddy?  Or a little less calm like Mommy :)?  No matter what, you will be loved.  You are such a blessing in our lives and we couldn't be happier you are here!!

And now for some outtakes...

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I think my heart may burst! She's is an angel!!!!! Oh my goodness!!! I need to hold her and get a baby snuggle!!!! Seriously, I won't take her, but I will be needing to love on her. Seriously.