Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mama & Me

One of my favorite things about staying home with Caroline is that I get to do fun things with her, like go to Mama & Me play group. Once a week we get to visit and play with lots of other mamas and kiddos. Caroline loves going - seriously. She was being fussy this week but as soon as we walked in the door she became so happy. I love getting to spend time with other moms and get advice on feeding, bedtime, baby proofing, etc. and venting about crying fits, housework and husbands (not that we ever do vent about our husbands, it's just nice that we could...) :) We are just so thankful that we found a great group of friends and we love spending time with them!!

At M&M this week, Caroline fell in love with a hard hat. She was so interested in it. It was too cute. She would laugh hysterically every time she saw it. I'd put it on her head and she would squeal. I have the most adorable baby ever.

We think it's ironic that she loved the hard hat so much since one of her favorite things at home are a pair of safety goggles. Maybe she wants to do some construction work??

1 comment:

Kelley said...

She could major in bldg science and get a pink hard hat!!