Thursday, February 24, 2011

First Word!!!

Okay, Caroline didn't say a "real" word, but she did say her first recognition word. We have been working on "mama" and "dada" with her since practically birth. I couldn't wait for the day that she looked up at me and clearly and happily said "mama." She started making the m sound and the d sound right about the same time. Not that it was a competition, but I totally wanted her to say my name first. Last week our little girl finally said.............

"Day Day" as in "Daisy." Yes, the dog beat out mama and dada. I thought it was a fluke at first but she says everytime she sees Daisy. She'll even wave and say something that sounds a lot like "Hey Day Day." It makes sense since I'm saying "Caroline, don't pull Daisy's ears" or "Daisy, stop licking your sister" all day long. I cannot keep those two apart!! Adam and I love Daisy like a child (it's almost awkward and probably unhealthy) so we are so excited that Caroline loves Daisy too and so proud that "Day Day" is her first word!!

How could you not love that beautiful face???


bailey dailies said...

This is adorable! Don't feel bad--my sister's first word was "dog". No baby talk, no nothing. She just looked at the dog and proudly said "dog" in perfect English. My mom was crushed!

Tara & Johhny said...

my first word was my dog's name....toot :) that really was my dog's name...i don't know what my parents were thinking