Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Baby Playdate

Last week we had a baby playdate and had the best time! C just loves spending time with all her friends and I love getting to spend time with mine.

Here's the gang

Caroline just loves Robert!!

Here is a picture from this past summer. Only Sydney and Caroline are pictured in the group above, but look how much these sweet babies have grown!! Some are walking, some are crawling, and some are even going to be big siblings!!! (Congrats E and big sis L!!!!!)

Time flies when you are having fun and we sure are! What a wonderful blessing our sweet children are.

1 comment:

Jared and Elizabeth said...

How adorable! Isn't it fun to see what they enjoy? We still have so much fun finding new foods for Lila. Love that C was relieved when Daisy took her cookie!