Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Caroline has been reaching for and grabbing things with purpose and she's doing great!! It's so amazing to see her learn these new skills. She truly is growing up right before our eyes!! Just a couple of months ago she was a teeny tiny newborn!! She'll be four months old in a week and a half. I know I say it all the time - but I just cannot believe that this much time has already passed. Anyway...Caroline has been doing great on her new schedule. She's been taking two naps a day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon. She's been going down to bed at about 8:30 and most nights (certainly not all!!) she sleeps through the night!! I've been getting her up at 7:00 each morning. It's been WONDERFUL having some structure in our day!! I've been working on getting her on a schedule that will work for us and then all of a sudden - she put herself on this schedule. It's been a few days now but I think it's really going to work!! Also, she has a new favorite toy. Our sweet friends, William and Kate, sent her a pacianimal. It's the best thing EVER. Since she's working on grabbing things this is perfect. She can hold onto it while she sucks the paci that's attached to its head. Thanks William and Kate!!!!!

1 comment:

Olivia said...

we have a lamb pacianimal and David STILL loves it! He has it in his crib and when I go in to get him up in the morning he has it in his mouth and wants to take it everywhere with him. (we leave it in the crib!)Caroline is just precious!