Thursday, September 6, 2012

More fun before school

Last Friday we had a fun playdate with the Nations boys!  All morning C kept saying, "Where my friends?"  It was so cute and they all had a great time.  Caroline's great grandmother's (Mama Lou) maiden name was Nation so we are hoping that Caroline marries one of these little boys and there can be another Israel/Nations wedding! :)  This mama had a great time too, so I didn't take any pictures. 

Friday night was a big night in the Israel house.  AP slept in her crib for the first time!!  She is 4.5 months old and it's time.  She sleeps through the night so why does she need to stay in our room?  At least that's what I thought.  She woke up a few times the night we moved her.  For three very long nights I was up many times.  AP would wake up and cry and that would wake up Caroline.  I moved her back to our room to see if that was the reason or if it was something else.  It must have been moving beds because she hasn't woken up at night back in the bassinet.  We are moving the bassinet into her room tonight and are going to try a more gradual transition.  Oh well...  Here is AP waking up from her first night in the crib!!  Big girl!

The fun continued on Saturday!  It was the first Alabama game of the season.  We had some friends come over to watch the game and hang out.  We had a ton of food and all ate way too much - even Caroline.  That little girl LOVES ribs!!  I think we heard, "More ribs, more ribs" for hours!

She has started saying "Roll Tide" and shaking the shakers and it's so cute!!  We were so happy with a 41-14 win.  Roll Tide!!!

Sunday Caroline went to Sunday School for the first time.  I had Adam drop her off and he said that she cried :(  She ended up having a great time, like we knew she would.  Pictures to come later.

The rest of Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday was spent relaxing, eating, watching movies, playing, and enjoying the last little bit of time before school started. 

And that brings us to Wednesday...stay tuned!!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Love her football gear- she is definitely a hat girl- the visor is too cute!!