Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Yesterday I turned 28.  What a great day it was!!  Caroline was home from school so I got to spend all day with my two favorite girls (three counting Daisy).  After breakfast we headed to Wee Flip so C could take a sample gymnastics class.  Epic fail.

I forgot sometimes that she is only two so sitting still and waiting her turn isn't an easy feat.  I was mortified at her behavior and just knew that the other parents were thinking what a bad kid she was!!  After we left and I calmed down, I remembered that she IS only two and she's completely normal.  She'll get there one day so I should enjoy the wild and crazy that comes along with her at two.

After gymnastics we spent some time at the library before heading to the dentist.  Silly me planned a dentist appointment for myself on my birthday.  The best thing was that every minute or so C would pop in the room (they had an area for the kids to play), climb up on my lap and say "great job mama." 

We came home to play and relax.  This little girl is getting so big and she's now able to start "playing."  She's become a pro at holding things and has even been sitting in her exersaucer!!  Her little feet don't touch the floor so it's probably a little too soon but she still seemed to like it!

My sweet Adam took care of getting a babysitter and making dinner reservations at GianMarco's for the two of us.  Perfect dinner to end a perfect day.

27 was a great year for me and I can't wait to see what 28 brings!!! 


Anonymousrambler said...

who is her teacher at Wee Flip? I know someone who works there - Natalie Callahan.

Adam and Emily said...

Miss Nicole taught this class.